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Navigating the im✻PACT Web App
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024

In im✻PACT, we pride ourselves in creating a system that is chock-full of functionality. However, we realise that as with any other big systems, new users might find navigating im✻PACT a bit overwhelming. Rest assured, this article will guide you in some basic principles of navigation and usage of the im✻PACT Web App.


This article will cover the following content:


im✻PACT Web Screen Structure

In this section, we'll briefly explain the anatomy of a typical im✻PACT Web screen. For that purpose, please refer to the picture below:


Sidebar Panel: This panel would be present throughout the app. From here, you can quickly navigate to your Home screens and others as stated. This panel is collapsible as you can press the Collapse Sidebar button to do so.
App BarThis top bar would be present throughout the app. From here you can perform Global searches across your workspaces, switch workspaces, view notifications and perform quick customizations such as changing your theme and language. On the left, you can tap on your profile to access further options such as Account details, support tickets, and lastly to perform Log Out. 
Content Area: This would be the main area where the content of your current screen would be shown. This area would change as you navigate between the screens.


im✻PACT Web Landing Screen

The landing screen is the hub of the im✻PACT app as it serves as the jump-off point to all the other screens you'll be using most of the time. The following is an anatomy of the main areas of the landing screen:

Jump-off Points: This is the area which serves as a quick jump-off point to each of the screens such as your Profile screen, your Jobs, Teams, Members etc. 
Workload Summary: This is your workload summary. Tap here to see the Activities in each of the 4 respective tiles.
Bookmarked Jobs: All your bookmarked Jobs will appear here for easy access. Tap on a Job to navigate to its details.
Global Search Bar: From here, you can search for a Job, Activity, Member, or Team across your selected workspaces.


im✻PACT Web Listing Screens

im✻PACT comprises a lot of listing screens which have all been designed in a homogenous structure to ease our users' navigation. The following is the anatomy of a typical listing screen and its various components.

Filter Buttons: Most screens offer some level of filtering that is shown on top. In this case, you can filter your Jobs by status. The actual filters offered varies by screens. 
Create Item Button: Assuming you're authorised to do so, tapping on the New button would allow you to create a new item in the list you're viewing.
Search Bar: In all the listing screens, you'll see this Search bar. You can use it to search for a specific entity in the list that you're viewing.
Sorting Options: This menu would bring up various sorting operations to allow you to sort your list by a specific metric. The sorting fields offered varies by screens.
Pagination Menu: This option allows you to paginate your results. You can navigate between the pages of your search results, or change the number of items per page.