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Invite Collaborators to your im✻PACT Workspace
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2024

At its core, im✻PACT is all about collaboration. We aim to make it easier for users to collaborate on different Jobs, Activities, and Teams. To be able to do so, you first need to invite collaborators to your Workspaces. This article will guide you in the invitation process.


  1. To get started with inviting collaborators, navigate to your landing screen and tap on the Member tile.

  2. On this screen, you'll be able to see all the different members with whom you share your Workspaces. At the moment, you're the only Member, so let's change that. Tap on the Invite Member bar.

  3. You'll be greeted by the Invitation Management Screen. From here, you can view and manage all the invitations sent for all the Workspaces that you manage. Tap on the Invited Workspaces tile.

  4. This will bring up all the Workspaces that you manage where you can invite other members. Select the Workspaces that you'd like to invite Members to. Please note that the allowed number of members in a Workspace are tied to your entitlement plan. If you'd like to add more members, you can browse the available plans here. For each Workspace, you can view the remaining members you can add (19 in the following 2 Workspaces) on the Workspace tile as shown below. Once done, tap the Done button.

  5. Enter the email addresses of the Members you'd like to invite in the highlighted text section. Once you're done inputting all the emails, tap the Send the Invitations Now button.

  6. Once the invites are sent out, you can view them on the same screen. The invites would be grouped by the Workspaces. The grey question mark indicates that the invite is currently pending acceptance by the invitee.

  7. The invitees receive an email containing the invitation link. The link would be valid for 24 hours. They'd be required to press the Accept Invitation button.

  8. The invitees would be routed to this page on their browser. Here, they'd be able to see the Workspaces they're being invited to. They can select the Workspace invites they'd like to accept and then click the Accept Invitations button.

  9. The invitees will see the following screen indicating that their invitations have been accepted successfully.

  10. In case the invitees did not receive an email, or the link has expired after 24 hours, you can re-send the invite by swiping left on the particular invitee and tapping Resend.


  11. After all the users have accepted their invitations, the status will be reflected as follows.

  12. Your Members list will now be updated to show the new members who have accepted your invitations.