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Workspace Check-ins & Check-outs
Last Updated: 1 Apr 2024

Workspace check-ins & check-outs are one of the core mechanisms that im✻PACT users would be utilising to mark off their deliverables. This article would guide you in the usage of im✻PACT to perform check-ins & check-outs. If you're a manager, and you'd like to learn how to manage & monitor your staff's check-ins, please refer to this article.


This article will cover the following items:


What are Check-ins & Check-outs?

Check-in is the indicator of the start of a user's working day. A user checking in is synonymous with a user clocking into work. In a single check-in session, the users would mark off their deliverables and verify any deliverables that are pending verification from them.


Check-out is the indicator of the end of a user's working day. It is synonymous with a user clocking out of work. Each check-out is directly linked to a single check-in entry and together, they form a single check-in session. Managers can view their staff's activity for each check-in session.


Why should I perform Check-ins & Check-outs?

Check-ins & Check-outs represent your single work session. All the Activities that you work on will always be tied to a Check-in/Check-out session. You can monitor your check-in history to keep track of your deliverables. You can identify the types of Activities that you struggled with, that required multiple reworks. The check-in history would also give you an idea of your productivity. Over some time, you can track how your Activity closures rate has changed. In addition, this mechanism also allows the managers to keep track of their staffers' deliverables to maintain transparency. Managers would know what their staffers have been doing over a period of time. The check-in history can help them identify the pain points and help them to take corrective measures to better themselves.


Check-in Policies

In im✻PACT, we have 2 types of check-in policies:

  1. Auto Check-in: Check-in sessions are managed automatically without the user's having to check in explicitly. We recommend this check-in policy if the activities defined under your Workspace and created and worked on on an ad-hoc basis, without a preset daily working time. Under this check-in policy, users can mark off their items any time of day and it would be counted in the currently active check-in session.
  2. Manual Check-in: Check-in & Check-out are done explicitly by the users. We recommend this check-in policy if the members in your Workspace only work during a pre-set time (e.g. from 9 AM - 6 PM). Under this policy, users can only mark off their items while they are checked in. 


Auto Check-in

This section will guide you in performing check-in and marking deliverables under the Auto Check-in policy.

  1. Navigate to your landing page. Under the Auto Check-in policy, you never have to perform an explicit check-in. We can simply start working on our deliverables. Let us work on our New Activity by tapping on the New tile in the Workload Summary.

  2. This list would contain all the Activities that have been newly assigned to you, which you haven't started working on yet. Tap on an Activity.

  3. You will be routed to the Activity Closure screen giving you the summary of the Activity. Once you have commenced work on this Activity and you're ready to mark off a checklist item, tap on the Begin Report button.

  4. This would launch the Checklist Completion screen. From here you are now ready to mark off your checklist items under this Activity.


Manual Check-in

This section will guide you in performing check-in and marking deliverables under the Manual Check-in policy.

  1. Under the manual policy, on the Activity Closure screen, you'll notice that you no longer have the Begin Report or Resume Report button as you're currently checked out as shown below.

  2. To change our check-in status, navigate to your landing screen and tap on the im✻PACT icon from the Bottom Navigation Bar.

  3. This would bring up all your selected Workspaces with a Manual Check-in policy. You can also track your current check-in status in each Workspace from here. Note that in the following image, you're currently checked in the JD Event Management Workspace while being checked out in the other 2 Workspaces.

  4. From this sheet, you can perform bulk check-ins & check-outs. Simply tap on a checked-in Workspace to mark it for check-out, and tap on a checked-out Workspace to mark it for check-in. As shown below, we're performing a check-out on the JD Event Management Workspace and checking in into our other 2 workspaces. Once done, tap the Update button.

  5. After you've performed your check-in, navigate back to the Activity Closure screen. You'll notice that the previous Not Checked-in tag has been replaced with a Resume Report button. Tap on this to continue working on your deliverable.

  6. This would again launch the Checklist Completion screen. From here you can continue to mark off your checklist items under this Activity.


Completing an Activity

  1. Once you've marked off all your check-list items, you'll notice that an I'm Done button has popped up. Tap this button to indicate the completion of the Activity on your part.


  2. The Activity has now moved to the Pending Verification stage. This Activity would now be moved to the Verifier's Workload Summary where they can start to verify your Activity with all its checklist items.


View your Check-in History

To view your check-in history, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Navigate to your Landing screen and tap on your Profile Card.

  2. You'll be routed to your Profile Overview screen. Tap on the Check-in History tile.

  3. You'll see your check-in history in your selected Workspaces.

  4. Tap on a single check-in tile to view the Activities that you worked on for that particular Check-in session.

  5. On a check-in tile, tap the Map icon to view the location where the check-in (in Green) & check-out (in Red) was performed on the map.