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How to create an Activity in im✻PACT Mobile App
Last Updated: 2 Apr 2024

Activities are how we define a single instance of a deliverable in im✻PACT. Activities are maintained by Workspace administrators or Job Managers. This article will guide you in creating and defining your Activities in your im✻PACT Mobile App.


How to create an Activity?

  1. Navigate to the Job where you'd like to create your Activity. If you haven't created a Job yet, you can follow the instructions given here. Once on the Job page, tap the Activities button.

  2. You will be routed to the Activities Listing screen. Here, you'll be able to see all the Activities that you've created for this particular Job. If you're permitted to create an Activity, you shall see the New Activity Name bar. Tap on this bar to enter the name of your Activity, and press Done on your keyboard.

  3. If your Activity is created successfully, you'll see it in the listing as shown below.


Populate details in an Activity

After you have created an Activity, it would be very empty in the beginning. This section will guide you in the different types of information that you can save into your Activity. To get started, tap on your created Activity.

  1. Let us focus on the top section first where we'll be editing some of the Activity's settings and timeline.


 Activity CommentsTap on this to view and create comments on this Activity. Comments are a good way to query or supply some more information about the activity. 
Activity Name: Here you can edit the Activity name which will be the primary identifier of the Activity. Please note that the character limit for the Activity name is 255 characters.
 Activity ClassificationsHere you can provide some classifying information for your Activity.

      • Priority: Set a Low/Medium/High/Critical priority to indicate the importance of the Activity to the assignees.
      • Difficulty: Set a Trivial/Simple/Moderate/Hard/Intricate difficulty to communicate the difficulty of the Activity to the assignees.
      • Novelty: Set a Routine/Innovative/Novel novelty to document the assignee's familiarity with Activities of this nature. 

 Activity Timeline: Here, you can define the start, end, and duration of the Activity.

      • Start: Set the date and time when you expect the assignee to commence work on this Activity. Leave it blank (as Automatic) if you want this Activity's start time to be scheduled via Auto-Scheduling.
      • End: Set the date and time when you expect the assignee to complete their work on this Activity. Leave it blank (as Automatic) if you want this Activity's end time to be scheduled via Auto-Scheduling.
      • Duration: Set the duration (in hours or days) of time that you expect this Activity would require for completion. This is a mandatory field if you want this activity to be scheduled via Auto-Scheduling. For more information about Auto-scheduling, you can refer to this article.

  1. Swipe the top section to the left to view the next set of Activity configurations. Here you can link your Activity with some other entities defined in your Job and your Workspace.

 Link MilestoneYou can maintain milestones under the Job of this Activity and link Activities to the Milestone. The Activities linked to a milestone would contribute to its overall progress. This would help you track progress for your milestones and allow you to take corrective measures ahead of time in cases of delays.
 Precedent Activity: You can set another Activity as a precedent to this Activity. This prerequisite requirement would be considered during Auto-scheduling such that this particular Activity would always be scheduled after the selected precedent Activity.
 Activity Competencies: If this Activity requires a particular set of competencies, you can set those competencies here. This would be considered during Auto-scheduling so that only the assignees that match the selected competencies would be assigned to this Activity. Please note that competencies first need to be maintained by the Workspace administrators before you can use this utility.
 Reference Documents: Here you can upload some auxiliary documents that might be useful to the Activity's assignees.

  1. Swipe the top section to the left to set further configurations for the Activity. Here you can link your Activity with some classifying entities that will help you define the nature of this Activity.

 Work TypeAssign a Work Type to this Activity from a list of standard work types to help you define the nature of this Activity.
 Work ClassificationAssign a Work Classification to this Activity from a list of industry-standard work types to help you classify Activities by Work Classifications.
 Tags: Here you can define custom tags for your Activities to help with classification and searching.

  1. Lastly, you can add some more description about the Activity in the Description section.

  2. The bottom section of the screen deals with defining the assignees and the workload for this Activity. 

 Activity Stages: Tap the 3 tiles to switch between Activity's Action, Verify, and Acceptance stages. 
 Activity Team: Link a team to this Activity. This is required before setting the Action stage assignee as the assignee must be from the chosen team. This also authorises the team's leader to modify the Activity. Leave this as blank if you would like the team to be assigned via Auto-scheduling. Please note that a team can only be defined under the Action stage. Verify and Acceptance stages do not require a team, hence any Workspace member can be set as the Activity's verifier and acceptor.
 Assignee: The assignee that is chosen to work on this Activity in the chosen respective stage. Leave this as blank if you would like the assignee to be assigned via Auto-scheduling.
 Checklist: Define, import, or edit the checklist in the chosen respective stage. This represents the deliverables that assignees must complete under this Activity. For more information about maintaining checklists, you can refer to this article.

  1. After you have assigned an assignee and defined the timeline for the Activity, you'll notice that the Activity status has changed from Unplanned to Unstarted. At this stage, the Activity is now ready to be worked on.