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im✻PACT Mobile App: Tips & Tricks
Last Updated: 3 Apr 2024

im✻PACT packs a lot of functionality, hidden shortcuts and gestures that would help users have a better experience. It is a system that rewards exploration. We highly recomment users to explore and play with all the components that you see on your screens. This article will guide you in some of the functionalities you can utilise to help you maximise your im✻PACT experience.


This article will cover the following items:


Listing Screen Gestures

A listing screen is defined as a screen where you can view a list of items such as the Job listing screen, Activities listing screen, Team listing screen etc. All these screens share some common actions & gestures. This article will explore those gestures.

  1. Swipe Actions: In nearly all the listing screens, swiping left on an item would bring up some actions that you can take on that particular item, granted you are permitted to carry out those actions. You can refer to the following examples:
    1. Team Listing Screen - Here you can swipe on a particular team to see the Delete team option.

    2. Activity Listing Screen - You can swipe on a particular Activity to Duplicate it, Move it to a different Job, or Delete it.

    3. On the Workspace invitation listing, you can swipe to Resend an invite to a particular member.

    4. The Job listing screen is an exception to this rule. A Job is a major collective for which we want to prevent accidental deletes. Therefore the option to delete a Job is put in the 3-dot Menu on the Job Landing screen as shown below.


  2. Single vs Long taps: On some of the listing screens, a single tap and a long tap on an item would yield different results. You can refer to the following examples:
    1. Navigate to the Job listing screen, and observe the behaviour of a single tap and long tap on the Job tile.

    2. On a single tap, you'll be routed to the Job landing screen.

    3. On a long tap, you'll be routed straight to the Job's Activity listing screen.

    4. From the Job listing screen, observe the behaviour on a single tap and long tap on an Activity tile.

    5. On a single tap, you'll be routed to the Activity Summary Page.

    6. On a long tap, you'll be routed straight to the Activity's details editing screen where you can modify the details of the Activity.

  3. Pagination: All the listing screens on im✻PACT support pagination by default. The results are returned in pages of 20 items. When you reach the end of the page, you'll see a small loading indicator to show that the next page of items is being loaded.


  4. Grouping: When viewing items from multiple Workspaces, the items from different workspaces sometimes get mixed up. An easier way to approach this is to group the items by Workspaces as shown in the example below:
    1. From the Workspace Selector on the landing screen, select more than 1 Workspace.

    2. Navigate back to your Job listing screen. You'll notice that on this screen, there is now a chip that shows Ungrouped

    3. Tap on the Ungrouped chip to switch the listing between to a grouped view. Under this view, all the items would be grouped in their respective Workspaces. Each Workspace tile would also show you how many Jobs exist under that Workspace.

    4. Under this grouped view, you can tap on a Workspace tile to expand it and view the Jobs under that particular Workspace.


Home Button

The Home button would be present on nearly all of the screens in im✻PACT on the app bar as shown below:

Tapping on the Home button would navigate you to the closest Checkpoint. A Checkpoint is defined as the most significant screen where a user might like to navigate back to, relative to their current position. In im✻PACT, we have 2 checkpoints:

  1. Job Landing Screen: If you're on a screen of an entity under a particular Job, tapping on the Home button will navigate you back to the Job landing screen. Consider the following example:
    1. Navigate to an Activity's details edit screen. On this screen, tap on the Home button.

    2. You'll be navigated back to the Job landing screen.

    3. Double Tap on the Home button in the Activity's details edit screen will navigate you straight to the Landing screen checkpoint.

  2.  Landing Screen: A tap on the Home button in all the screens except Job's entities screens would navigate you to the Landing screen checkpoint. Consider the following example:
    1. Navigate to a Global team's details edit screen. On this screen, tap on the Home button.

    2. You'll be navigated back to the Landing screen checkpoint.


Back Button

The Back button would be present on nearly all of the screens in im✻PACT on the app bar as shown below:

This button would be your primary way of navigating your way back to your previous screens. The text of the button might change to Done based on the screen you're currently on, where the Back button signifies completion of your edits. Consider the following example:

  1. In the following Job details edit screen, notice that the Back button has changed to Done. After you're done with your edits, pressing the Done button will prompt the save or discard menu.