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Managing your assignments with im✻PACT
Last Updated: 4 Apr 2024

Managing your assignments is perhaps the most crucial component in the everyday usage of im✻PACT. Therefore it is very important that you periodically check your workload summary, upcoming Activities, and your notifications. This article will outline some ways you can manage your assignments as well as some best practices that we highly recommend our users follow.


This article will cover the following items:


Why is managing your assignments important?

With im✻PACT, we aim to promote a culture where the users do their due diligence regarding their deliverables to ensure smooth operations in a Workspace. It will allow the users to have an objective trend of positive productivity that they can showcase to prove their merits. It allows the managers to be able to view their staffers' activity history, progress, and quality of work over a period of time. We find that if the users are aware of the nature of the upcoming assignments, they can prepare for it ahead of time mentally, and by finding the required resources. This will allow the users to escape any surprises, and to keep a good momentum.


Weekly Workload Summary

  1. Navigate to your Landing screen where the Workload summary will be shown as a panel of 4 tiles that shows your Activities in different statuses as shown below. We highly recommend that users keep an eye on these numbers and clear them off as soon as possible.