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How to create an Advance Checklist in im✻PACT Mobile App
Last Updated: 5 Apr 2024

Checklists are the basic units of work defined under an Activity to inform the assignees exactly what is expected of them. im✻PACT allows you to create advanced checklists where the assignee is required to take certain actions to mark off an item instead of simply checking it off. In this article, we'll go over the various types of advanced checklist options offered by im✻PACT. To create a basic checklist, you can refer to this article.


In this article, we'll be covering the following items.


Create an Advanced Global Checklist:

In this section, we'll go over how to create an advanced Global Checklist.

  1. Similar to creating a basic checklist, start by navigating to your Landing screen and tapping the Checklists button from the jump-off points.

  2. You'll be routed to the Checklist Listing screen. We currently only have a single basic checklist so let's create our first advance checklist by tapping the New Checklist Name add bar.

  3. Enter the name of your advanced checklist and tap the Done button on your keyboard. For the purpose of this article, we'll be creating a checklist to get to know some basic information about a user.

  4. If your checklist is created successfully, you'll see the entry in the listing. Currently, our advanced checklist is empty without any steps or sub-steps defined under it. Tap on the checklist tile that we just created to add steps under it.

  5. You'll be routed to the Checklist Details screen. Let's start adding our items in the highlighted Checklist Item entry section.

  1. Here we have added some questions for the assignee to answer. Each of these questions would require a different type of input. The different types of inputs are explored in the section below.


Advanced Checklist Response Types

In the previous section, we created some checklist items. In this section, we will be going over each of the items and defining an input response type. The following are the types supported in im✻PACT.

  1. Pictures: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to provide the specified number of images. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Submit a Picture.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify if this response is mandatory (the assignee would not be able to complete the activity without providing the images), and the minimum and maximum number of images that are required for this item. In this scenario, the user must upload exactly 2 images, a frontal selfie, and a side selfie.

  2. Files: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to provide the specified number of files. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Upload File(s).

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify if this response is mandatory, and the minimum and maximum number of files that are required for this item. In this scenario, we have made this response optional where the user can upload their resume.

  3. Number: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to provide a number within the specified range up to the specified decimal points. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Provide Number.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify whether the response is mandatory, along with the decimal points on the number, and the range where the number must fall. In this scenario, the users must provide their age. The minimum required age is set to 18, while the maximum is set to 99. 

  4. Description: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to provide some text description. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Provide Description.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify if this response is mandatory along with the character limit of the description. Here, we have made it a mandatory field where the user is required to tell us a bit about themselves in 2000 characters or less.

  5. Single Option Question: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to choose a single option from the provided list of options. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Choose One Option.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify if this response is mandatory. You would also need to provide the possible options that the user might choose. In this scenario, we require the users to select their gender. To add options to the question, tap the Choose One Option tile.

    3. This would bring up the Options menu. You can enter your options as required. In this scenario, we'll add 3.

    4. Once you're done, you'll be able to see the number of options added under this item.

  6. Multiple Choices Question: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to choose one or more options from the provided list of options. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Multiple Choices.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify if this response is mandatory. You would also need to provide the possible options that the user would choose from. In this scenario, we require the users to select their favourite foods. To add options to the question, tap the Multiple Choices tile.

    3. This would bring up the Options menu. You can enter your options as required. In this scenario, we'll add 8 options for some of the common food items.

    4. Once you're done, you'll be able to see the number of options added under this item.

  7. Range of Values: To complete this type of checklist item, the user would have to provide a range of numbers. To set this input type, follow the instructions below:
    1. Navigate to the checklist item where you'd like to specify this input type. Tap on the Action Response tile and from the response menu, select Submit a Range of Values.

    2. After you have selected your input type, you can specify the upper and lower limits of the range. Here, we require the users to enter the temperature range in Celsius between 0 and 100 up to 1 decimal point.


Using Advance Checklist in Activity

Once you have created your Advance checklist, it is now time to start utilising it. This section will guide you in using the advanced checklist usage in an Activity.

  1. Navigate to the Activity Details screen of the Activity where you'd like to use this checklist. On the screen, tap the Checklist Editor tile.

  2. This would bring up the sheet where you can use a Global checklist or create a new one. Select the Advance Checklist we created in the previous section.

  3. After you have selected a checklist, the name of the Checklist will be reflected on the Activity Details screen.

  4. Tap the Done button on the app bar (as highlighted), then press the Save and Exit button.

  5. The Activity's action assignee would now be able to view the checklist in the Activity Closure screen. They can start marking off the checklist items by tapping the Begin Report button.

  6. In the Checklist Completion screen, they can begin marking off the checklist items by providing the inputs of the required types. Note that the checkmark is disabled as they haven't fulfilled the requirement of uploading 2 images. The Advance Checklist would appear to the user as shown below.

  7. The following is a sample of all the inputs as provided by the user. Once all the inputs have been provided based on the set criteria, users can mark off the deliverable by tapping the I'm Done button.

  8. Once the assignee is done, the complete Activity along with all the provided inputs can also be viewed in the Activity Closure Screen