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Seller's Portal
Curating a Checklist
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2024
A Checklist is a list of items or expectations that need to be completed, typically organized in a systematic manner. It serves as a tool for ensuring that all necessary steps are taken or items are addressed in a particular process, project, or activity. This checklist can be used when defining an activity for an actioner, verifier or acceptor.
This guide is to help you to curate a new or maintain existing checklist for the marketplace.
- Navigate to Project Listing Page.
- Click on the Create button to create a new product.
Add A Language: The default language is English. You may add additional languages for your product to reach a wider audience.
Product Name: Give your product a name. This will appear as the product title in the marketplace when it's published. Be consise, descriptive and direct.
About this Product: This is where you market your product and attract your consumers. Give a much detail as possible without going overboard. This will appear as the product description in the marketplace when this product is published.
Product Type: Select Project button for Checklist.
Save Button: Click this button to save your product. Save your product frequency to avoid any missing updates.
Preview Button: Click this button to view how your product will look like in the markeplace.
- You can specify a checklist with up to 2 levels deep, which we call the Main Action Steps and Sub Steps. At each level, you can define unlimited Main Action Steps and Sub Steps.
Add Action Step Button: Click on this button to create a new Main Action Step. Specify a short title for this step.
Show Icon: Click this icon if you want to reveal this step in the marketplace as a preview. If the icon is grey, then this step will not be displayed until this product is purchased.
Add Sub Step Button: Click on this button to create a new Sub Action Step. Specify a short title for this step.
Reorder Icon: Click and hold (do not release) on this icon to reorder this step in relation to other steps in this checklist. It can be:
- Reordered within the same level.
- Moved from the a Sub Action Step to a become a Main Action Step, or
- Moved from 1 Main Action Step to another Main Action Step.
User Response Types: Click this to change to the type of responses you expected the user to provide to complete this checklist. The follows user response types are supported:
- Simple Checkbox: Users are only required to check off the step to mark completion. This is the default user response.
- Provide a Number: Users are expected to enter a number.
- Submit a Picture: Users are expected to take 1 or more pictures and upload it.
- Upload Files: Users are expected to upload 1 or more files.
- Provide Description: Users are enter some textual information regarding the step.
- Multiple Choices: Users are expected to select 1 or more items in a list of preconfigured selections.
- Choose One Option: Users are expected to select only 1 item in a list of preconfigured selections.
- Submit a Range of Values: Users are expected select a range of numbers.
- Time and Date: Users are expected to enter a time and date.
- Submit an Amount: Users are only required to enter an amount.
- Yes-No Answer: Users are expected to select either yes or no.
- Provide A Metrics: TBC
You can specify more validation rules (eg: mandatory field, etc) to control how you want the user to enter the information by clicking on the Edit Icon.Expand/Collapse All: Click this expand to show or collapse to hide all Sub Action Steps.
Edit Icon: Click this icon to show the Main Action Step or Sub Action Step details screen. You can edit the step in this screen.
More Actions: Click this to either duplicate or delete an activity.
- Reordered within the same level.
- After you click on the Edit Icon, you will be able to specify more information for the step. A pop up window will appear.
Name: Specify a short description for your step. This a mandatory field.
Close Icon: Click this icon if you want to save and exit this pop up window.
Description: Specify a description for your step. This can be used to describe the approaches to complete this step. This is an optional field.
Documents: Users can upload reference documents to guide the user to complete this step.
User Response Types: Click this to change to the type of responses you expected the user to provide to complete this checklist.
- Simple Checkbox: Users are only required to check off the step to mark completion. There are not additional configuration supported.
- Provide a Number: Users are expected to enter a number. You can specify these additional configuration:
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Whole Numbers Range: Users must specify a number within this range.
- Decimal Places: Whether the number provided has decimal places.
- Submit a Picture: Users are expected to take 1 or more pictures and upload it.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Number of Images: Users must upload images within this range. Eg: If 2 to 5 is specified, users must at least upload 2 or up to 5 images.
- Upload Files: Users are expected to upload 1 or more files.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Number of Files: Users must upload file within this range. Eg: If 1 to 3 is specified, users must at least upload 1 or up to 3 files.
- Provide Description: Users are enter some textual information regarding the step.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Length: Maximum number of characters allowed to enter.
- Multiple Choices: Users are expected to select 1 or more items in a list of preconfigured selections.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- List of Choices: Specify a list of options for users to select. This is a mandatory field.
- Choose One Option: Users are expected to select only 1 item in a list of preconfigured selections.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- List of Choices: Specify a list of options for users to select. This is a mandatory field.
- Submit a Range of Values: Users are expected select a range of numbers.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Range of Numbers: Users must specify a number within this range.
- Decimal Places: Whether the number provided has decimal places.
- Time and Date: Users are expected to enter a time and date.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Response Type: Specify either Date and Time, Date Only or Time Only
- Submit an Amount: Users are only required to enter an amount.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Currency of Amount: Specify the currency to appear beside the amount.
- Smallest Amount: Users must specify a number not smaller than this amount.
- Largest Amount: Users must specify a number not larger than this amount.
- Yes-No Answer: Users are expected to select either yes or no.
- Additional Instructions: Advise users with a short description on what to fill in. This is an optional field.
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Provide A Metrics: TBC
- Select a Metrics: TBC
- Mandatory: Whether this is mandatory field.
- Simple Checkbox: Users are only required to check off the step to mark completion. There are not additional configuration supported.
- Other marketing details for your product.
Youtube Video Link: Specify a link to a short Youtube video to describe and promote your product. This is an optional field.
Product Availability: Specify whether the product is available in the mobile or web platform.
Product Image: Specify a few images to illustrate your product in the marketplace. You are upload up to 7 images.
List Price: Specify the list price to appear in the marketplace.
Version: Specify the current version of this product. Once a product is published, you can either modify an existing product of the same version or increment the product to a different version. By incrementing the product version, a duplicated product will be created. You can therefore change the list price for the new version. You are not allowed to downgrade a lower version.
Free Upgrade: Specify the previous versions which are entitled for free upgrade to the current version. This only appears when you have older version of the product, previously published in the marketplace.
Category: Specify the category the product belongs to for ease of searching. This is an optional field.
Sub Category: Specify the sub-category the product belongs to. This is an optional field.
Nature of Work: Specify the nature of work this product is applicable to. This is an optional field.
Tags/Keywords: Describe the keywords for customer to search this product easier in the marketplace. This is an optional field.
Copyright Statement: Specify a copyright statement to be included with this product in the marketplace. This is to inform the licensing terms of your product. Eg: Mykongsi Sdn Bhd, Public Domain, etc
Copyright Prefix: Specify if the word Copyright © appears before the Copyright Statement. Eg: Copyright © Mykongsi Sdn Bhd. Please use this only when you are certained that you have copyright over this product.