Getting Started
Seller's Portal
Navigating the Marketplace Landing Page
Menu Bar: This is where you can navigate the Marketplace Portal. All of your permitted functionality is listed here.
App Bar: This is where you can upgrade your account, switch to different shops (if you have multiple shops) and change the site language. You can also access your user profile and change your credentials here.
Shop Profile Completion: This is a reminder for you to complete the maintain your shop profile before you publish any products.
Upgrade Subscription: This is a suggestion for you to upgrade to a paid plan. Only shops with paid plans are allowed to list paid products.
Seller's Dashboard: This area list all the important metrics for a shop in a consolidated view. It shows the following:

Content Area: This is the area where all the content this button would show you a review of what you have specified.
Shortcuts: This is a shortcut to access the Marketplace and im✻PACT web.
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2024

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Landing Page